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What’s Happening

Anna says how she is green.

12/15/15 Oakwood Elementary

"I am green because I recycle." ~Anna, 5th Grade

Ava says how she is green.

12/09/15 Oakwood Elementary

"I am green because I clean up garbage." ~Ava, Grade 5

Green Team Meeting

12/08/15 Sunset Hill Elementary

On Friday the 5th Mr. P and Mr. H met to start the Sunset Hill Green Team. Pledge challenge soon to come.

Austin says how he is green.

12/07/15 Oakwood Elementary

"I am green because I save electricity." ~Austin, Grade 5

Green Team Meets Today!

12/03/15 Oakwood Elementary

The Green Team meets again today! We will be creating photos and videos to share the ways we are being green at Oakwood!

Green Team Volunteers

11/24/15 East Middle

Trojan Pride Ambassadors met last Thursday and got a list of students interested in joining your Green Team. They have a lot of ideas and are excited to work with you both.

Green Team!

11/19/15 Oakwood Elementary

Oakwood Student Council has formed a Green Team! The Green Team is looking forward to improving energy saving practices across the school!

The Champions Have Met...

10/27/15 East Middle

Mr. Jones and Mr. Eberhardt have met to talk about the beginning of the energy savings initiative.

Earth Day

04/06/18 Oakwood Elementary

Remember to talk to your students this week about how to Save the Planet.

Drippy Faucet?

01/03/18 West Middle

A hot water faucet that leaks one drop per second can add up to 165 gallons a month. That’s more than one person uses in two weeks. See a leaky faucet, let a teacher know so they can arrange to get it fixed.